
Archive for the ‘Movie’ Category

The Dark Knight Rises (2012) Download: avi, mp4, wmv, mkv formats

October 14, 2012 1 comment

Download: avi, mp4, wmv, mkv formats

Download: avi, mp4, wmv, mkv formats


DVDrip(720p,1080p), BDrip(Blu-ray Disc), XviD, MPEG-4 codec, Audio Codec: AC3, 448 kb/s (6 ch) Digital

Being honest, this was the first dark knight series I watched. Well, I’ve seen the first one but it was when I was quite young, so I don’t remember anything. Still, I was really excited about the release. At first, I didn’t recognize who was who since I haven’t watched the previous movie. However, while the movie went on, I began to understand everything. The action in the movie was fantastic. Watching it made be realize. Wow! This is Christopher Nolan. I really enjoyed Inception and I recognized many common things in the two. Tom hardy, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, and other characters were in inception, the storyline was abundant. Both of them had dramatic twists at the end. I was really surprised at the end. This dark knight made me watch the other series. Just fantastic. Can’t wait for the next one!

The Dark Knight Rises (2012) Download

An official 13 Minute behind-the-scenes preview of Christopher Nolan’s “The Dark Knight Rises”. Featuring the cast and crew of the movie on-set during production.

I just saw this movie as I saw the other two, But this piece is just an amazing experience of my life. It rises the sprites in me, the great acting, great directing, great soundtracks and much much more, every second of this movie I enjoyed and that was the incredible experience, my mind is still shouting, Deshi, Deshi, Basara, Basara.

I would not recommend just, I would force you to go watch this. If this movie won’t get the Oscar I would be very disappointed. It is the best movie I guess I have ever seen. Watch it, its worth it. I don’t know who to say that you have just done a historical job. Salute to the entire team of The Dark Knight Rises. Yes, yes you have risen again.

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The Dark Knight Rises (2012) Bluray [BRrip] Download

October 10, 2012 Leave a comment

The Dark Knight Rises BRrip DownloadThe Dark Knight Rises (2012) Bluray

Director: Christopher Nolan

Cast: Christian Bale, Gary Oldman, Tom Hardy, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Anne Hathaway, Marion Cotillard, Morgan Freeman, Michael Caine, Matthew Modine, Alon Aboutboul, Ben Mendelsohn, Burn Gorman, Daniel Sunjata, Aidan Gillen, Sam Kennard

I saw “The Dark Knight Rises” yesterday evening and it completelyexceeded my every expectation. When i first saw “Begins” i thought thatit took the comic book films to a different level thanks to thebelievability and sincerity of the characters it portrayed. “Rises”continues this line which was set by the first movie and followed by”The Dark Knight”.

The cast couldn’t have been more perfect. Bale as Batman is able togive genuine emotion and bitterness following the losses he hassuffered. He is not just another hero, he has been scarred by theevents come to pass and knows that just putting up the mask again isnot going to be enough.


The story is compelling and much less “superhero” than the other two.Sure, you still have the typical comic-book characters. But the story’sfocus on the people behind those masks creates a much more realisticand emotionally compelling movie. And the movie achieves this withoutgoing too far away from the Batman’s comic-book roots.

But there’s another reason why this movie is such a great film. Itcomplete’s the trilogy. It rarely happens that movies based oncomic-books contain an actual ending. This movie does, taking all thethreads from the three movies and wrapping them up in a neat bundle.

The Dark Knight Rises is a 2012 superhero film directed by Christopher Nolan, who co-wrote the screenplay with his brother Jonathan Nolan and the story with David S. Goyer.

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The Dark Knight Rises Movie

September 30, 2012 4 comments

Genres: Action | Crime | Drama

Year: 2012

Country: USA | UK

Director: Christopher Nolan

Cast: Christian Bale, Gary Oldman, Tom Hardy, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Anne Hathaway, Marion Cotillard, Morgan Freeman, Michael Caine, Matthew Modine, Alon Aboutboul, Ben Mendelsohn, Burn Gorman, Daniel Sunjata, Aidan Gillen, Sam Kennard.

Eight years on, a new terrorist leader, Bane, overwhelms Gotham’s finest, and the Dark Knight resurfaces to protect a city that has branded him an enemy. Despite his tarnished reputation after the events of The Dark Knight, in which he took the rap for Dent’s crimes, Batman feels compelled to intervene to assist the city and its police force which is struggling to cope with Bane’s plans to destroy the city. The film contains a fine cast of talented actors. Christian Bale, of course still makes is a great Batman. Michael Cain is fantastic, as he always is. He gives such a powerful performance, he really ought to be considered for an Oscar nomination. Tom Hardy as Bane is utterly terrifying, at times, and completely ominous. Anne Hathaway as Catwoman/Selina Kyle is a scene stealer. She is completely engrossing. Everyone is so great, the dynamic scenes between the actors are so well done, so well written, and so well directed. The Dark Knight Rises is is emotionally riveting and amazing to view.

The film arrives on a wave of massive hype, yet it is still trying to outrun the long shadow of its predecessor, The Dark Knight – a film that not only set a new bar for what a comic book movie could be, but also blew away critics, snagged two Oscars, and excited fans to the tune of a $1 billion worldwide box office. TDKalso changed the course of the industry by launching the “full IMAX” trend in filmmaking, and even coerced the Oscars to expand its Best Picture category to include more nominees (after Nolan’s film was snubbed).

The Dark Knight Rises Movie Poster

In that sense, it’s almost impossible for The Dark Knight Rises to meet the level of expectation facing it – but has Chris Nolan managed to end his Batman legend on a note that will at once please fans and critics, tie off the story in proper fashion, and still deliver the biggest and best blockbuster movie experience of the year?

Batman and Bane in The Dark Knight Rises

Batman and Bane in ‘The Dark Knight Rises’

For this if nothing else, The Dark Knight Rises will endure as a milestone: I never thought there would be a better Catwoman than Julie Newmar, never, but Anne Hathaway owns the role after uttering a single “Ooops.” It’s an “Ooops” dripping in sexiness and insincerity, coming as it does after Christian Bale’s Bruce Wayne interrupts her in the middle of a heist and before she dons her leather or rubber or vinyl or whatever-it-is catsuit. The “Ooops” and its Jean Harlow naughty-girl reading come early in the film and the rest of Hathaway’s performance seems to flow from it. She’s flip, she’s funny, and she looks great astride the bat cycle thingee. She kicks credible ass, and she doesn’t overdo the cat business. She’s just right. She’s also the one bit of effervescence in a film that’s otherwise so turgid it would be unendurable—if it weren’t also brilliantly made. The Dark Knight Rises is as exhausting as it is entertaining.

Anne Hathaway Is the Best Catwoman Ever

Anne Hathaway Is the Best Catwoman Ever

I had the honor of watching TDKR during a screening and was completely blown away! Christopher Nolan’s third film in his Batman trilogy doesn’t disappoint. The movie is incredibly well made, its huge production is quite breathtaking to view. This is a true cinematic experience, to behold. The movie exceeded my expectations in terms of action, and entertainment. The movie’s score high-lites many of its incredible scenes, and at times, it takes your breath away.

The film featured excellent performances, by all the cast. Christian Bale, as always is great as Batman. Anne Hathaway was completely engrossing, she became “Catwoman”, just like Michele Pfeiffer did, although their interpretations were very different, both were equally effective. Tom Hardy was the main villain “Bane” completely shattered my expectations. One of the best superhero movie villains, I’ve ever seen. The terror caused by him, is completely believable and quite menacing. Marlion Cotilliard, Michael Cane, Gary Oldman, and others all did well in their respective roles. Now I know most will miss Heath Ledger as the Joker.(I know I do) I hope people don’t compare Tom Hardy’s performance to Heath Ledger’s, its completely unfair and the two characters are very different. Just read the comics.